21 eCommerce SEO Tips That Will Work in 2019

To get on the first page of Google is the dream of every online business. With top eCommerce companies like Amazon, Taobao, eBay, Target, and Walmart ruling the top page of Google, it becomes essential for small and medium-sized eCommerce businesses to improve their tactics if they want to bring in more traffic, clicks, and conversions. They need the power of eCommerce SEO.

Search Engine Optimization is the process of increasing your website’s visibility, search ranking, and organic traffic. When looking for new products, 71% of people search on Google or other search engines before heading to an eCommerce website to purchase their intended items. This percentage has increased by 8% in the last year and is growing continuously. This means optimizing your eCommerce store is essential to land more customers. There are many technical aspects involved in optimizing your online shop, so it’s better you take help of the best eCommerce SEO consultation services in order to build your eCommerce empire.

Being the number #1 eCommerce marketing agency, we know what it takes to get to the top of SERPs. Here we are sharing some of our tried-and-tested eCommerce SEO tips for 2019 that can help you drive tremendous results. So let’s dive in.

Ecommerce SEO Services


84% of users abandon a cart if the online store is flagged as “insecure.” HTTPS has a strong correlation with SEO rankings. Websites with HTTPS version rank higher on Google’s search engine result pages (SERPs).

2. URL

Create SEO-friendly URL structures. Whether it is a product page, category page, or blog section, the URLs should be short, keyword-specific, organized, and trustworthy (HTTPS version).
Here’s what we suggest when it comes to URL structuring:
• https://yourwebsite.com/category‐name
• https://yourwebsite.com/category‐name/subcategory‐name
• https://yourwebsite.com/category‐name/subcategory‐name/product-name

3. Title Tags

Keywords must be placed as an exact match at the starting of the Title Tag, followed by the brand name or unique value proposition such as the one shown here.

4. Meta Descriptions

The meta description of each category page and product page must answer these two questions: “What are you offering?” and “Why should people buy from you?” Explain everything under 155 characters.

5. Site Errors

Use Google’s Search Console to find site errors like Not Found (404) errors, DNS errors, server errors, and URL errors. Here is what to do if you find these errors:

Source: Moz

6. Keywords

Long-tail keywords are the way to win. Take your competitor’s keyword data and find that sweet spot between broad terms and long-tail keywords that may help you win as a seller. Pro Tip: Amazon and Google’s search suggestions can be a goldmine for keyword ideas for your products. You may use SEMRush and Google Keyword Planner to identify keywords with more commercial intent.

7. Product Descriptions

Give more information than the generic manufacturer details. Think about the terms you want to rank for and understand the psychology of buyers. The better you describe a product, the higher the chances of selling it.

8. Mobile Speed

In today’s mobile-first world, mobile searches supersede desktop shopping. Mobile matters a lot. Developing a responsive store is not enough these days, get an Accelerated Mobile Pages developed by your eCommerce SEO services provider if you want to offer an amazing experience to mobile users.

9. Customer Reviews

Online reviews or ratings on every product page are essential to drive down potential buyers to the bottom of the sales funnel and compel them to buy. Studies have found that 50 or more reviews per product can drive a 5-percent increase in conversions. 50% of people said they like to buy from Amazon because of its positive product reviews. This means reviews are important, really important for your online store.

Source: Statista

[Learn here how Amazon is leading the way in the eCommerce segment.]

10. Image Alt Tags

Search engines can’t read images. They use alt tags to identify what the image is all about. Optimize all alt tags when images are a priority on your store and you want to improve accessibility and assist crawlers as they navigate your site.

11. Latent Semantic Index (LSI) Keywords

LSI keywords are related to your main targeted keyword. Use LSI keywords in products descriptions and wherever they make sense. Use Google Keyword Planner to find relevant terms matching your targeted keyword.

12. Rich Snippets or Schema Markup

Using Rich Snippets can be a great way to increase Click Through Rate (CTR). Rich Snippets are structured data that can be used to tell more about your page content or product. Check out in this example, people are more likely to buy an iPad from Amazon as it shows 5-star rating and number of ratings.

13. Backlinks

Just like any other websites, backlinks do matter in eCommerce SEO. High-quality backlinks improve your domain authority and your rankings in Google searches. So how can you build quality links? Partner with the best eCommerce marketing agency. They have expert writers to help you create content that earns links, SEO professionals to build links, and influencers to help your brand get more exposure.

14. Robots.txt and Sitemap

A Sitemap is an XML file that lists the URLs of all the pages on your store. Robots.txt (The Robots Exclusion protocol) is a set of instructions to the web crawlers about how to crawl or index your site. Do submit your Robots.txt file and Sitemap to Google for better indexing.

15. H1 (Header) Tags

Header tags are the most important ranking signals, yet often underutilized. Use the main keywords as H1 tags in your product pages. It is used by search engines to understand what the product is all about and match it with the search query.

16. Canonical Tags

A canonical tag is an HTML element that tells Google to assign search value to pages with duplicate content. It also helps robots to understand which are the parent pages. Use canonical tags to prioritize main pages over duplicate ones.

17. Call to Action Buttons

Optimize your call to action buttons to increase your conversion rates. It must be visible, short, catchy, and well-designed. Change it during peak seasons, festivals, and special offers.

18. Duplicate Pages

Duplicate pages in eCommerce websites is a recurring problem. According to a study by SEMRush, nearly 50% of websites have duplicate pages. Pages that show duplicate content include www vs non-www URLs, similar content in similar type of products, manufacturer product descriptions, product feeds, category pages, and non-canonical URLs. Dealing with the duplicate page or content issue is a challenging task and must be handled by an expert in eCommerce SEO marketing services. Remember, Google penalizes any type of duplicate content/page issue, so don’t ignore it. Ask our eCommerce SEO consultation expert today on how to deal with this SEO headache.

19. User-Generated Content or Videos

You can use user-generated content and your YouTube videos for product descriptions. This will help you attract more potential buyers who prefer to read descriptions before making a purchase decision.

[Know here how YouTube can help you in eCommerce selling without actually selling.]

20. Optimize Home Page

Your store’s home page is the initial point of driving sales. Optimize it to include the most popular products, top-selling items, and products people most likely to buy. This will reduce your bounce rate and increase conversions.

21. Long-Form Content

Content is the best way to win people’s heart. Studies have shown that long-form blog posts increase traffic and backlinks to your site, which will ultimately improve your rankings.
Not just traffic, there are five more reasons why you should adopt a long-form content strategy. Check it out.

Want to know more? Check out our Ultimate Guide to eCommerce SEO.

If you want to increase traffic, clicks, and sales on your eCommerce store, you need to follow the above-listed SEO tips. It may seem overwhelming at first, but with careful research and guidance by one of best eCommerce SEO consultation services providers can help you reach to the top of SERPs and sell more.

Want to sell more? Consult our eCommerce SEO expert today!

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